Dr Rosa Gualano

Research Manager
Monash Ageing Research Centre, Monash Health
Alfred Hospital


Research Activities

Since mid-2017, I have worked as the research manager at the Monash Ageing Research Centre, based at the Kingston Centre, a campus of Monash Health.  I co-ordinate research and teaching activities and provide research and administrative support to geriatricians, psychiatrists, stroke clinicians and allied health staff.

I also work as an editorial assistant on the journal Respirology.

My PhD on dengue virus was completed from 1994 - 1998 in the Department of Microbiology at Monash University.  I subsequently worked in development of respiratory antivirals at CSIRO from 1998 - 2001.  I was a research fellow in the Lung Disease Research Laboratory at the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics at the University of Melbourne, from 2001-2012.  My publications from this time reflect my extensive work in development of cell culture and mouse models for respiratory virus infection, and using these models to evaluate respiratory antivirals and host responses to infection. 

I took maternity leave in 2008 and 2011, and have worked part-time since 2008.

I also undertook regular teaching of undergraduate students at the University of Melbourne, which has continued to a lesser extent since I moved to Monash University in mid-2012 to work as a scientific writer in the Endometrial Stem Cell Laboratory at the Hudson Institute.  My next position (2014-mid 2017) was as a scientific writer at the Jean Hailes Research Unit in the School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine at the Alfred Hospital.  In this time, I developed a strong interest and skillset in writing grants and research in public health and mental health.


Use of respiratory viruses in cell culture and mouse models, mouse models of inflammatory lung disease, antivirals, teaching of undergraduate biomedical science, scientific writing, research ethics.


Prof Gary Anderson, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, University of Melbourne

Disease Models

Mouse models of respiratory virus infection and inflammatory lung disease.

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