A/Prof Wai-Hong Tham

Laboratory Head
Infection and Immunity Division
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research


Research Activities

Research in the Tham lab is focused on the identification of new host-pathogen interactions that allow malaria parasites to enter red blood cells and evade the immune system to establish successful infection. 


Molecular and Cellular biology of malaria parasites
Structural Biology
Monoclonal antibodies


Prof Alan Cowman
Prof Brendan Crabb
Dr Paul Gilson
Prof Leann Tilley

Genetically Modified Organisms

Plasmodium falciparum

Other Lab Members

Dr. Jakub Gruszczyk
Dr. Camila Franca
Sebastien Menant
Wen Qiang He
Yi Jun Chen
Li Jin Chan
Kaiseal Sarson Lawrence

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