Prof Bill Heath

Lab Head
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Melbourne

Research Activities

rodent malaria immunity, dendritic cell function, cytotoxic T cells


FACS, Transgenic mice, confocal, 2 photon, dendiritc cell subset purification

Disease Models

Malaria (rodent)

Genetically Modified Organisms

T cell receptor transgenic mice(OT-I, OT-II, gBT-I, gDT-II, PbT-I, PbT-II), various knockouts for immune molecules

Other Lab Members

Gayle Davey
Daniel Fenandez-Ruiz
Wei Yi Ng
Melanie Damtsis
Ming Li
Lauren Holz
Nazanin Ghazanfari
Sonia Ghilas
Lynette Beattie
Ana Valencia Hernandez
Matthias Enders
Rachel Zhang
Yu Cheng Chua
Robyn Sutherland
Rose May

Other members with similar research interests

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