Dr Patrick Reading

Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Melbourne


Research Activities

Innate immunity - soluble innate proteins (e.g. collectins, pentraxins and defensins) neutrophils, macrophages, NK cells, early inflammatory responses to infection
Viral infections - influenza, HSV-1
Airway inflammation
Virus virulence and pathogenicity


Molecular techniques
Immunological techniques
Analysis of immune/inflammatory responses in animal models


Prof Alberto Mantovani, Milan, Italy
Prof Gary Anderson, University of Melbourne
Dr Carol Hartley, University of Melbourne
Prof Paul Hertzog
Dr Ashley Mansell

Disease Models

Influenza virus infection of mice and ferrets
Intranasal and flank infections of mice with HSV-1

Other Lab Members

Sarah Londrigan - post-doctoral scientist
Michelle Tate - Ph.D student
Emma Job - Ph.D student
Paul Whitney - Ph.D student
Kirsty Short - Ph.D student (with Odilia Wijburg)

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