Prof Di Yu
Lab Head
The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Child Health Research Centre
The University of Queensland
Research Activities
In the lab of Systems and Translational Immunology Laboratory (STIL), Dr Di Yu and his team are investigating the molecular mechanisms by which T cells control the competence and balance of the immune system, with the aim to design new strategies to modulate the immune system to treat cancer, autoimmune disease and infection.Techniques/Expertise
Flow cytometryMicroscopy
Animal models
Big data analysis
Prof Axel KalliesA/Prof Scott Mueller
Professor Carola Vinuesa
Professor Sharon Lewin
Professor Zhanguo Li
Disease Models
Lupus, arthritis, asthma, viral infectionGenetically Modified Organisms
ICOS, SAP, CXCR5, BCL6, IL-21, AhR, RoquinOther Lab Members
Dr Zhian ChenDr Joseph Yunis
Dr Yang Yang
Mr Naiqi Wang
Ms Clemence Belle
Mr Sam Nettelfield
Mr Mehrdad Pazhouhandeh
Dr Pablo Canete
Dr Magda Antczak
Mr Jialei Gong
Dr Pria Puri