Dr Holly Anderton
Postdoctoral fellow
Medicines Development
Research Activities
My current and long-term research interests involve developing a comprehensive understanding of what initiates and drives inflammation in skin diseases such as psoriasis. I’m interested in the mechanisms of skin disease on a molecular level, but also considering the broader, more complex cellular interactions, and the role of the microscopic and macroscopic environment. I have had a significant research role in several projects in which we explored TNFR1 signalling in the skin that led directly into my PhD research. My current projects include exploring the role of cIAPs in maintaining microbial tolerance in the skin, and the role of Langerhans cells in driving chronic proliferative dermatitis in SHARPIN deficient mice.Techniques/Expertise
Small animal handling, husbandry and phenotype analysis.Cell and tissue culture, PCR, ELISA, bacterial cloning, transient transfection, Immunohistochemistry and Immunoflourochemistry.
Disease Models
Psoriasis, dermatitis, Toxic Epidermal NecrolysisOther Lab Members
John SilkeNajoua Lalaoui