Dr Greg Moseley
VIIN Executive Committee Member
Head, Viral Pathogenesis Lab
Department of Microbiology
Monash University
Licensing opportunities
IP relating to development of attenuated live vaccines for lyssaviruses including rabies virus. Potential IP development for antiviral drugs against lyssaviruses including rabies virus.Research Activities
Molecular Mechanisms Viral PathogenesisTechniques/Expertise
Molecular cell biology, molecular virology, and molecular immunology approaches, including dynamic live cell imaging (e.g. quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching [FRAP], bimolecular fluorescence complementation), super-resolution light microscopy (including direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy [dSTORM]), structural biology (including NMR and crystallography), in vivo microtubule interaction assays (including quantitative imaging of the cytoskeleton), functional genomics and proteomics (including next-generation sequencing, RT-PCR, quantitative mass-spectroscopy), viral reverse genetics and infection, in vivo viral infection/disease models, immune signalling assays, in vitro protein trafficking/interaction assays, in vitro viral replication assays.Collaborations
Prof. Herve Bourhy, Institut Pasteur; Prof. Danielle Blondel, CNRS, France; Prof. Angus Lamond, University of DundeeProfs. Makoto Sugiyama and Naoto Ito, Gifu University; Prof. Toyoyoki Ose, Hokkaido University
A/Prof. Peter Crack, University of Melbourne; Prof. Paul Gooley, Dr. Michael Griffin, Prof. Spencer Williams, University of Melbourne; Dr. Cameron Stewart, AAHL, Geeloing and Dr. Glen Marsh, AAHL, Geelong; Dr. Megan Dearnley and John Bingham, AAHL, Geelong; Dr. Toby Bell, Monash University
Disease Models
Rabies/lyssaviruses, Nipah/Hendra/paramyxoviruses, Ebola virusWebsites
Other Lab Members
PhD students: A. Brice, M. Aloi, T. Zhao, A. Harrison, E. Tudhope (as cosuperviser: A. Hossain, J. Zhan, R. Sharma, A. Rozario)Masters: Yilin Lynette Zhang, (as co-supervisor, Siqiong Zheng)
Post docs: Stephen Rawlinson, Celine Deffrasnes
RA: Cassandra David