A/Prof Fasseli Coulibaly

Laboratory Head
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Monash University


Contract research opportunities

Structural characterisation of viruses and viral proteins.


Research Activities

Structural studies of animal and human viruses.
Engineering of natural protein crystals as a novel vaccine platform.


Structural biology
X-ray crystallography


Heidi Drummer & Andy Poumbourios (Burnet Institute)
Prof Trevor Lithgow
Daniel Watterson (University of Queensland)
Ian Patterson (Brock University)
Emmanuelle Quemin (CNRS, France)

Disease Models

Poxviruses including vaccinia virus, monkeypox virus and entomopoxvirusesFlaviviruses including dengue virus, Zika virus and insect-specfic flavivirusesAlphaviruses including Ross River virus
SARS CoV-2Bacteriophages

Other Lab Members

Dr Bishwa Subedi (Research Fellow)
Mr Jungmin Ha (PhD student)
Ms Kyra Klijmeij (Master student)
Mr Benjamin Dargan (Honours student)

Research Images

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